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Everything is different. 

In all of the unknown, in all that will be different and forever changed by this current world experience, many of us are feeling ourselves pulled in new directions. The direction of deeper presence, and the desire to be part of the ushering in of a new paradigm of modern living.


We're in unprecedented times. Unprecedented circumstances. Unprecedented loss and change.

As the outside world we knew dissolves, as structures and systems fall and break and reveal how truly unsustainable they've been, how can we return to our own inner authority, our own sense of self beyond the external, and create sustainability from the inside out?


 When so much so has been uprooted, how do we find our roots?

Our resilience?

What do we anchor into and how?

We return to the body.

We come closer to our center.

We learn how to be more human.


Right now, as the world has slowed to a halt, we have a unique invitation to anchor back into our innate knowing,

our body wisdom, and our instinctual nature. 

We're invited to find ways to connect to the love, power, and safety that we had found outside,

here, inside ourselves.

The intensity right now has been turned way up.

But there are ways to move with that intensity rather than disconnect from it. 

There are ways to come closer to yourself and your own sense of love, care, and authority. 

The key to all of that is EMBODIMENT

We have to have ways to move, digest, & process all that's coming in.

All that's coming up. All that's moving through. 

This isn't about any right way to manage.

This is about attuning to your unique system. Your unique needs. Your unique physiology.

The unfolding of your unique healing.

That comes through trusting in body and being able to untangle trigger from instinct,

intuition from trauma. 


Underneath the stories, underneath the tension around trying to figure it out,  underneath the intellectual maneuvering many of us have been building our lives around, is a deeper knowing.


A knowing that has been powerfully suppressed, but is always speaking to us. 

This knowing lives in the body.

For many of us there is a sense of intense duality appearing. The desire to both come closer and the desire to stretch, break-free, crack the chrysalis. 

This course is about coming more deeply home to self and being able to stretch and expand from your center. Your natural essence. 


None of us know what this pandemic means. None of us know what will happen next. None of us knows how the world will be forever changed, how we will be forever changed. 


But there is the possibility of  coming into closer relationship to ourselves, to our fears, to our power, to ALL OF US. 


I want to support you to anchor close. To feel yourself deeply in all your humanness.

We need you there. YOU need you there. 


This course is NOT about learning how to do it perfectly. It isn't about being a neutral, un-feeling robot. This is about being able to really hold yourself in turmoil, in fear, in anxiety, in the unknown, and have practical, applicable, clear tools and support to help you return to your center, work with your own natural rhythm, your own natural unfolding, your own capacity for regulation.

A question that arises often for me in my work is:

How do we create repair?

How do we create completion and connection for what our systems and souls have been missing? For the things we didn't receive. For the ways we weren't held. 

This course is for:

Women who have a hard time trusting themselves, their bodies, and their intuition.


Creatives who struggle with feeling like they're enough. 

Deeply feeling, empathic people who tend to lose their center easily. 

Women who tend to minimize their needs. 

Artists who struggle with really speaking and sharing their voice. 

Helpers who support others, but rarely receive deep care and support. 

Powerful souls crippled by perfectionism. 

Introverts who want to share their power and their gifts, but tend to undermine their value. 

Compassionate women who care deeply about the world, but find themselves

overwhelmed & frozen by all the need. 

You'll Learn:

How to work with the messages your body is giving you.

How to decipher trauma from intuition. 

How to work with your emotions from a place of power and safety.

How to hold your younger self so you can live from the present rather than past repeating patterns.

Digest and process emotions and intensity so you can emerge more resilient, more capable, more centered.

How to find your center and come back to it when you get lost. 

How to access the wisdom of your body, your intuition, and your innate knowing. 

Simple tools your can 



This course is bringing together what I believe to be most fundamental for women to be embodied and connected to a deep sense of self. 

These tools are an offering from what has been deeply supportive in my own journey.

The course includes

6 Live Group Calls

Each week you'll have a live weekly call with me. These calls are part teaching and part practice.

We'll get to dive in together in real time to unpack these concepts even more. 

I'll also answer any questions in these

90 minutes calls. 

The calls will be Mondays @ 1pm PST

2 Live Guided

Ritual Circles

In addition to the live group calls, you'll have two guided ritual circles. 

To come into sacred space and practice in community. 

These are about deep honoring, deep connection, and creating a space where you can move more into loving connection with body. 

Course content


Body Basics

Essential know-how of your nervous system to be able to understand arising patterns in your body, how to track what's happening for you, and how to work with them. 

Tools every human should have.

We'll also cover starting to attune to your body through sensation, image, and movement.



Return to Self

Coming home to your own internal sense of safety.

This is essential for self-trust, connection to true intuition, self-worth and navigating times of crisis, challenge, intensity, and unknown from a place of connection rather than disconnection. 

If you don't feel safe in body, it's incredibly difficult to lean into goodness, true nourishment, and personal power. 


Expanding Resource

Guidance in knowing how to create safety and support for your inner child, anchor into being your own fierce protector, and resourcing in an unconditionally loving inner guardian.

We are all carrying wounds and unmet needs from our childhood and younger years. 

Lean to meet those needs from a place of love and connection.


This is essential for deep healing. 


Emotional Empowerment

Support in coming into empowered relationship with your emotions. 

How to feel your feelings from a place of safety and allowance and permission.

Freeing up the energy of emotional stagnancy for more space, freedom, and deeper connection to the self underneath.


Inner Expansion

Learn how to use breathwork and intuitive movement to gain deeper trust and connection to your body's natural capacity to heal, unwind, regulate, and come into deeper harmony. 



Pleasure & Aliveness


Utilizing pleasure, touch, and the nature of eroticism to align with your feminine power and your natural aliveness. Expand your capacity for more life to flow through you.


Awaken pleasure to heal your relationship to your body and your sense of deep self-worth.

These are the most foundational tools I believe are vital for personal power, a profound sense of self-trust, and embodied worthiness.



Whitney Ullom is a sexuality and embodiment coach for creative women.

Her work helps women awaken to their authentic sexuality, come home to their bodies, inhabit their innate power, and create a deep sense of inner-love and trust so they can feel safe sharing who they are in the world, in their relationships, and in the bedroom.

What women say about Whitney's work:


"WOW. so much. I have learned how to create safety in my own body, resourcing from inside myself. Through the practices I have worked through a lot of limiting beliefs- working with shame, safety, and even personal identity. But most of all I have been able to develop a stronger connection to myself and this source energy. I feel like I have experienced a deep awakening. I have a deeper connection(which was dormant before) to this divine feminine."


"It's a really powerful and life changing class that will reconnect you to your body in ways you didn't even realize was possible and for me has allowed me to slowly start owning parts of me that I was too afraid to let out before."


"[I gained ...] a connection to sensation and sexuality that was so much more expansive that I'd imagined. a renewed confidence in my body's wisdom and a real melting away of the thoughts that something was wrong with my thoughts/feelings/behavior all relating to sexuality/boundaries/creativity."


"Thank you so so much, Whitney. Honestly I won't shut up about you and your wisdom. I'm so grateful to you for taking the time to learn all that you have and share it with women who need guidance. I didn't think I had a problem with sex until you gently guided me towards my own stigmatizations. Now I know that slowing down is a good thing. Nothing needs to go fast. And ooze into that deliciousness."


Be part of a collective of women coming home to themselves, their wisdom, and their own authority.


As our connection to the external dissolves, we have a powerful invitation to return to our own deep inner authority

I've created this course specifically for these unique times we're in. To help you anchor in your own power, your own body, and digest and work through the hurt and trauma that's been called forth by this current global experience. 


After working with women in a variety of ways, I know what happens when even one woman starts to shift. The ripple effect is huge.

This work creates so much love, healing, and connection. Not only with ourselves but within our relationships. 

I deeply believe it is the responsibility of women everywhere to awaken to their true nature and power. A lot of the women before us didn't get that chance. But you have it now.


Will you say yes?


This course is about moving through this material as a community.

And allowing the impact of the work to integrate in between. 

6 weeks of support

6 Live Calls

Mondays 1pm (pst)

2 Live Guided Ritual Circles

Tools and growth that will serve you for a lifetime



Due to the current state of affairs, I'm making this super affordable.


Early bird: $197

Regular price: $227




If you have been profoundly affected financially by Covid-19, I'm offering a lower price-point. If you need it, please use it. You're on the honor system.

Early bird: $97

Regular price: $127


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